‘O Paul! O Paul! Spare Me a Sad Poetry Moment.’
Miss you Paul !
Like anyone, I am a big fan of Fast & Furious series and straightaway don’t hesitate to churn on ‘I miss Paul Walker.’ Since his death (30 November 2013) until now, the Fast & Furious series has made major in-roads among world audience. All the films are action packed and already carry the legacy of Paul Walker, and this piece of sad poetry is a medium to connect his breath when he was alive to when he is now by Jesus’s side.

The Poetry:
Miss you, miss you, I terribly miss you;
Your acting bewitched me and your simplicity even more.
I must be out of my mind to store my tears, locked away in a vault
Of my house, and you all be crazy to even think so!
But this is the best amount by which I miss you;
Though I can’t reach, touch, or even place a fresh rose on your grave,
Can imagine Vin with a cross held tightly against his heart:
I too bear that every night along with your friends and family.
If I am so hurt, how hurt they must be;
Beyond repair your loss is indeed;
May you rest in peace Mr. Charmer,
And your refreshing memories will bear the shape of you always,
Inspiring and guiding me and others alike through their whole life.
These inscriptions are gold and bless you,
Your memories will last forever.
I had a glimpse of you the other night:
We both were on a lonely road, driving,
And lights were on horizon:
The Moon shone for you,
And the Sun waited in dark shadows,
The wind touched you in love
And then me and there goes high a white dove!
Vin Diesel Bites the Hard Truth and Reflects Back
I feel that pain and it just goes on and on; wonder how Vin must had gone through the torment. He worked with Paul, but we all know ‘Life is a dangerous car and it crashes, it catches fire, and its flames burn down even the flesh and breath.’
Below is heart-rendering post [here is the instagram link] by Vin that has been framed into beautiful sad love poetry. Hope Vin and Paul’s friends and family will read it and above all so will the whole world.
The Poetry:
There is so much to tell you…
I just wonder where to start from:
Life is a dangerous car and it crashes,
It catches fire,
And its flames burn down even the flesh and breath!
I can remember that day,
When you and I were filming a scene
In F4, where we both ate the Chinese food
And then followed a brother combat scene.
It ended with you seriously saying
‘Letty just wanted you to come home Dom…’
Later that day, when filming was done,
You walked into my trailer and plainly asked:
‘What’s on your mind?’
My lovely friend you always knew
When something was on my mind.
Ha-ha, this is indeed a fragile life,
Which we are all bound to ultimately fail:
Death awaits us, but so is this beautiful life.
When I told you, I was about to have a baby
And truly didn’t know what to expect at the hospital
To where I was heading to after work.
You gave me a wonderful rub,
And how can I even forget that; in fact,
I will never forget what you told me:
You said, ‘A lot of tough guys
Will not falter to tell you to wait outside of the delivery room,
But my dear friend, that’s so gross and wrong.
Just go in there,
Actually cut the umbilical cord,
And it surely will be the best day of your life.’
Though I knew, you, of course, was talking from experience
Of having already an angel of your own.
It’s been eight years today,
And not a day goes by that I don’t reflect
On the brotherhood we were blessed to have,
but, indeed, you know that.
I miss you dearly, and still claim:
Tragedies in life are always followed by life’s blessings
If you just choose to stay open and have faith.
Just look at this photo Pablo,
It will make you graciously smile:
The same angel that you helped me prepare for
In the most simple and beautiful way
With your brotherly advice is the same angel
That precious Meadow asked to be her Maid of Honor.
There is not a way I could forget that little charm,
I wonder how could I have known that back
On the 2008 set of Fast,
but maybe somehow you did in your heart.
You must have had the whole view
While I was obscured by the nervousness.
I claim again, I miss you.
My children always tell me,
‘Uncle Paul is with you dad, always…,’
And you know,
I know in my heart that they are right.
I miss you Pablo…
And the story never ends!