Little Henry Paints Rain – Happy Short Poems

Sometimes life is just pain, pain, and pain…and we tend to pass out…feeling detached and down, which is normal; however, if this is prolonged, then the devil of depression takes over. So, what should be done to find an escape? There are many remedies like talking to loved ones (friends/family), going out, change in lifestyle (food and clothes), exercise, etc. There is one more unique way too, which is reading happy short poems.

Happy short poems can cater to adults or children, but irrespective of that they are nerve soothing and help to quickly flush out negativities. Also, is there a rule saying kid poetry is for kids only? They are mostly written by adults who can think like a child! In that sense therefore such poetry is great for mood lifting.

The poem below is one of the finest happy short poems. Here, quite surprisingly, a mother asks her son for a detour when it rains and be ready with colors and colorful thoughts! The son is equally excited too; so why not check out what he has to say in return!

Little Henry Paints Rain – Happy Short Poems

‘The summer has just passed;

A good amount of time has lapsed;

Look out of the little window my dear son.

Is there a patch of clouds fluming near the Sun?’

‘Yes mommy, indeed, I see not one but few;

It might rain soon as the Sun has no clue.’

‘Dear Henry, when it rains,

From drizzle to abundant grains,

You much act quick and smart,

Trundle to the shop across the street!

Bring a color box and a drawing copy;

Hurry, keep aside the computer floppy!’

‘There is no wonder

Than pieces of arts that linger:

Rain drops finding green and blooming flowers;

I want your full attention with rainbow colors!

Draw some clouds and draw some rain drops;

Be ready to show a pleasant art before daddy hops!’

‘Yes mommy, I feel very excited,

Ready to smell the fragrance of mud.

Look! Here comes in a gentle breeze,

Soaked in water, spine-tingling freeze.

Mommy and daddy will be very proud

When colors would depict a soaked crowd!’