War Smells Gas and Broken Bones – Sad Poetry to Read

Kissi-Pussi-Poo has a knack for being cheerful despite setbacks; however, one thing that hits him hard like a stone is people talking about war even when everyone knows how devastating they are! So he has started writing sad poetry that is suitable for both adults and children of all ages.

Feel My Heart to End War – Choicest Sad Poetry

Feel My Heart choicest sad poetry

Five sad poems on war are given below, which readers would love to read and engage with. All the sad poetry topics are neat and near-simple and highlight the bad effects of wars. Indeed, let’s not take our generation to war of any kind. We have red hearts and the onus is on us to keep them alive. Humanity will survive only when the valleys of the mother Earth eco of love, love, and only love.

Read more moving sad poetry: Wars become Ghosts of Past – Micro Sad Poetry

(1) Break Heart, but Never Kill – Micro Sad Poetry

Take my heart,

Take my will,

Kissi-Pussi-Poo will

Hate every war kill!

(2) Don’t Cheer Wars – Micro Sad Poetry


Asks about you,

Please don’t say ‘cheers to war,’

Eco of the Earth is a fragile jar!

(3) Bless Those Killed – Micro Sad Poetry

Pay my regards,

To all those killed

In bad freak wars,

Kissi-Poo hates wars!

(4) Hate Wars, Love Good Cars – Micro Sad Poetry

How are you?

How do you

Do? I always hate wars,

Kissi-Poo loves good cars!

(5) Tank and Life – Micro Sad Poetry

Hey Kissi-Pussi-Poo,

Say something about the war:

A tank of blood to rue,

A tank of molten tar!

Kissi-Pussi-Poo is supercute and at the same time highly sensitive to wars and its many consequences. He has taken the pledge to continue writing sad poetry on bad wars!

He sings, ‘meet and greet, meet and greet, trample wars with feet!’…unique short sad poetry on wars will continue…