Poetry on Suicide to Read and Share

Poetry on Suicide to keep you busy and beautiful poems for good feelings. Find below the best suicide poems to read and share.

Must Read: A Blend of Mask for Sadness and Lies: A Sad Poem to Read

Thou Must End Life, But Why? Poetry on Suicide

Thou must end life,

A decision taken,

But why,

Why won’t thou try

To find drops happiness

In rain and hail that bounce on thy roof?

Thou have become sound proof,

Experts understand thou made a tough decision,

But recall,

Why did thy mother smile

When thou took first breath?

Suicidal thoughts can haunt even the best, and the world has seen many deaths till now, and there is no denying that it might see more. But why? A billion-dollar question, but alas, with no easy answers.

However, if there is timely help, then such instances can be reduced to minimum. But the world is cruel; many times, it will remember you when you are dead. But still, all hope is not lost.

Moreover, poetry on suicide is not lost, the future world is not lost, the dreams are not lost, the hopes are not lost, the sun still shines, moon still smiles, the Earth still makes rotations, there is motion in life, there are waves in sea, there are treasures to be found, and there are good decisions to be made in life.

Indeed, poetry on suicide is a saviour for people who are nursing suicide thoughts.

Must Read: The Story of a Lost Bride and Her Insane Lover: A Sad Poem

In Darkness, the Sun Still Shone! – A Micro Poetry on Suicide

In Darkness, the Sun Still Shone! – A Micro Poetry on Suicide

Thou must not feel empty,

Thou must not feel alone,

When there is dark on the Earth,

The Sun still shone!

Must Read: Suicide! Poetry Suicide! But Never Suicide: Part 1

Those Who Wish Death Should Read Poetry on Suicide

Any poetry on suicide is a highlight that there are a lot of people suffering in this world at the same time. We should not feel alone, and thus look forward for ways of engagement to keep suicidal thoughts at bay.

My Little Sister Sophia – Poetry on Suicide

My sister, Sophia,

A best friend of mine,

Died suddenly at age 10,

So young and tender.

I loved her,

My whole heart with her,

And a blood clot had her good days

Turned into blue.

A happy child she was,

Like a corpse she laid on the emergency bed.

The clot was grave

But she was brave,

She cried in pain, but looked to live.

An emergency surgery,

And few breaths left to exchange few shakes.

Just before that day,

I had my birthday,

And the next day

She was a dead child.

The shock and grief unbearable all times

For many days,

I cried and cried,

The whole time lost in anger, pain, prayers.

I am old now,

Alone, I still sob for her,

But poetry had saved me from sure suicide.

I miss her, I miss time with her,

I hope she enjoys in heaven,

And I hope this poetry will save others!

We conclude this poetry on suicide story with the following same old call:

Sad poem was my friend,

It touched ice and turned it into fire;

Satan will be there always,

Never even think of giving ways to suicide!