Oh My Jesus Prayer, Dreamy Odes to Share

‘Oh My Jesus Prayer, Dreamy Odes to Share’ is all about finding the lovely striking balance between Oh My Jesus Prayer and Dreamy Odes to Share. This essentially means praying for peace and at the same time exploring exotic dreamy odes.

Prayers are inherently soothing and odes essentially follow lyrical methodologies to bewitch readers and leave them wanting for more.  However, have you ever thought what a mix of two would look like? This post is a testament to the fact that indeed this can be put to a litmus test and experimentally validated. Find out what happens and what are the results when making such an endeavor.

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Oh My Jesus Prayer, Dreamy Odes to Share: A Happy Collaboration

The collaboration of Oh My Jesus Prayer and full-of-life odes has the noble goal of glorifying the art of Jesus at the expense of lovely odes! This means Oh My Jesus Prayer will always have the upper hand and why not so – can someone imagine odes or, say, dreams without Him and without His sacrifices.

Read below the Jesus prayer that will surely leave you in peace.

Oh My Jesus Prayer

Oh My Jesus Prayer

Jesus, our Father, charming and blessing always;

Pains thou took away and calm so gained always!

Thy life a soothing hand

And thy ways a mistic end;

Beware kings and lords,

He cometh now with roses

For withered souls

And lonely poor graves!

Two Best Ode Poem Examples to Read

Read below two crafted dreamy ode poem examples that will soothe aching hearts and provide respite to those in pain and agony.

Dreamy Odes to Share, Where? Everywhere!

Thou life dreamy odes,

Thou ways dreamy odes,

Thou aura dreamy odes,

Thou fore dreamy odes!

Where must dreamy odes be found?

In gardens, in seas, in sky, in everywhere,

Than so in thy pure heart!

Where more dreamy odes to mound?

Thy voice, in soul, in eyes, in everywhere,

Beauty to behold odes’ cart!

Oh My Jesus Prayer, Dreamy Odes to Share: A Collaboration for Ages

Oh my Jesus prayer, dreamy odes to share,

Exploits of weak, a lyrical band to breathe all

Exotic dreamy odes. Thou ways always care

To lift weary souls, a white angel to free all!

Our Father, thy glory divine,

A man with limbs and those without

Both hath thy white wings!

Our Father, thy splendor fine:

A king for all, a voice for those without,

Thy heavenly charm, lo, sings!

This post is exclusive and can be a suggested topic for literary researches.

Topic to explore: A Happy Collaboration of Oh My Jesus Prayer and Dreamy Odes to Share: Possibilities of What Next?