Greetings! Here, you will find 11 delightful kindergarten poems and nursery rhymes that are absolutely interestingly funny, engaging, and very easy to learn and read.
Rhymes definition and usage in kindergarten poems
The repeated pattern of syllables and sounds in a poem is called rhymes, which continues either throughout the poem or just follows in some lines. Rhyming words actually share similarly stressed syllables, such as ‘poo’ and ‘you,’ ‘eat’ and ‘sweet,’ etc. As a matter of fact, this poem is a wonderful start of a new series of poems that will portray a supercute adorable fantasy character, aka ‘Kissi-Pussi-Poo,’ made truly for kids.
The following is a brief overview of why we have created this fantastic funny character and what are the expectations from it.
Mental Wellness of Kids and Kissi-Pussi-Poo!
What can be a more apt gift for a lovely one who has just started to walk and said those two magical words ‘pa…pa’ and ‘ma…ma’ than nursery rhymes.
The entire world is new around them, so it is paramount that they be shown all good things as much as possible and equally important to capture their attention toward art and craft, colors, and phonetics for a sound mental well-being, which is important for the overall health of kids. The same has also been acknowledged by WHO (World Health Organization).
How rhyming poems are helpful for children?
In line with the best recommendations, it is suggested that children in the age group of 2–5 be exposed to short rhyming kindergarten poems as a way of thorough engagement, life appreciation, gaining linguistic command, and being creative.
Kindergarten poems and nursery rhymes go a long way in ensuring that the mentioned goals are achieved in an as easy process as possible, just by energy-filled recitations and various gestures.
Read also: Contemporary Ode Poem Examples
This way, not only vocal development takes place, but also children become even more enthusiastic and dynamic as they are able to connect to their surroundings in their own tiny fantastic ways.
Here comes ‘Kissi-Pussi-Poo’
Even though one can find a lot of resources online on rhymes, most of them do not have original ideas; the content is either modified or served just like old tales. Therefore, through the cute character ‘Kissi-Pussi-Poo’ a conscious effort has been made to bring something new and interesting for children across the globe.
Indeed, these four-line nursery rhymes are like small raindrops falling on the Earth after the great scorching summer, which children will find amusing and to their unique tastes.

Great expectations!
As stated earlier, kindergarten rhymes are ideal for kids to enhance their learning as well as perceptive skills. Additionally, rhyming poems are a great source of inspiration and are key to kids’ mental growth.
Below given poems are representative of small ideas and hold morals that will surely go a long way to make readers and listeners, especially kids, have a gala time and also appreciate the simplicity of life. Undeniably, children will find this collection of 11 delightful kindergarten poems and nursery rhymes quite appealing.
So, be welcome to enjoy the poems and meet and greet your awesome lovely friend Kissi-Pussi-Poo.
Enjoy Poems:
Where are you;
Don’t you worry
I am with you!

Kissi-Pussi-Poo eat;
Chapatis are made of wheat;
Round as the lovely Earth
Also have some sweet!
I love you.
Wherever you go,
I go too!
Be my friend Kissi-Pussi-Poo;
We will be like lovely two!
Come with me, will you;
I will take good care of you!
My little Kissi-Pussi-Poo,
Let’s paint the wall in blue.
It will be so much fun
When the task is done!
I have a little friend;
Its name is Kissi-Pussi-Poo.
I want to thank the God
Who helped me meet you!
The Christmas time is around,
Oh Jesus, what I found:
I went to woods in new boots,
Found Kissi-Pussi-Poo digging roots.
I went to farm for sheep;
I returned with a woolen heap
And charming Kissi-Pussi-Poo
Which good owner let me keep!
Ba Ba, Humpty Dumpty
My pocket is fully empty.
But with Kissi-Pussi-Poo around,
I hear music in every sound!
Save water, save forests;
Save air, save fossils.
Using the sunshine is so much wise
Ask Kissi-Pussi-Poo at least twice.

I told Kissi-Pussi-Poo,
‘You are my friend.’
More poems coming soon;
This is not the end!