I Want to Dance with a Sad Poem

I want to dance with a sad poem, rhyming, singing, and rafting through the great lands; there was once a time I stood for happiness alone, but gone are those days; now, the times of sad poems too!


Dancing to Sad Poems as well as Happy Poems

Yes, Indeed!

When it comes to happiness and sadness, people are biased toward the former. Strangely though, both are important and carry their own significance. Therefore, the onus is on us to dance to the tunes of not only sad poetry but also happy poems.

Thus, the ability to find, and striking, the balance between the two has merits. It saves us from the perils of extremes of both. This in turn goes a long way in making us a balanced person who enjoys sadness and happiness. And he understands the importance of both being a part of life.

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Riding Happy and Sad Moments?

I rode my luck with happiness,
Too with sheer sadness,
The coffin cries, but the life smiles,
Lo behold, such a rift?
But found a striking balance between the two!

An oar of a boat once told,
Lo behold!
At sea, I saw tempest great,
But saw too people being saved.
I rode my luck with happiness,
Too with sheer sadness,
The coffin cries, but the life smiles,
Lo behold, such a rift?
But found a striking balance between the two!

A bird does seem hurt by an arrow,
While flying, there was just a buzzing sound,
It fell unconscious on the ground,
To be saved by a person unknown!
I rode my luck with happiness,
Too with sheer sadness,
The coffin cries, but the life smiles,
Lo behold, such a rift?
But found a striking balance between the two!

Also Try: My Heart Dances with Daffodils by William Wordsworth – A Tribute


The above piece of sad poetry example offers a great insight into the setting of the almighty God. He alone kills and He alone saves. Here, both acts of killing and saving are also representing sadness and happiness.

Accordingly, this sad poem post finds its unique voice. It also finds its scope in that we should accept sorrows and pain and gleeful moments with open hands. This will help us immensely in our lives, and also teaches us to be thankful to God. He alone knows what calamity is going to bring in the future.

Therefore, there is a saying too: Diamonds are made under immense pressure and extreme temperatures.


LifeXcites Verdict: Sad Poem

Life is precious and so are happiness and sadness. Both have their own importance and both offer significant life-changing moments.

Challenges in our lives teach us to keep fighting and fighting we must reserve till last breaths.

Sadness and happiness are two great teachers of life. Both complement each other. Hence, the topic ‘I Want to Dance with a Sad Poem’ stands!


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