Poetry on Suicide Saves from Suicidal Thoughts!

Writing poetry on suicide becomes a possibility when the heart can feel the perfidious pain and loneliness of a person who decides to end his life. Accordingly, it is apt to say that poetry about suicide finds its voice when the poet can feel the pain in his skin.

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Why Does a Person Decide to Choose Death?

Death never comes off easy on anyone. To choose death means that the person has walked down the lane of gruesome failures and life struggles. He had some dreams and he was too emotionally attached to them. Therefore, when heaven falls, so does the desire to live. There is darkness everywhere. Nobody seems close enough to share the humongous payload. The person gets emotionally drained to new extremes. He becomes prone to suicide thoughts.

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Suicidal Poetry Comes to Rescue

Suicide poetry identifies the sadness of a person dealing with failures and personal loss, among others. It allows the propagation of ideas that life is indeed valuable. It doesn’t need to be abruptly ended. Poetry suicide also yells that you are not alone in this world with sufferings.


Death is a Demon, Life is a Flower

Death is a demon, not to be flirted with,
Life is a flower, not to be tinkered with.

Sadness has to offer some good
For the various modes of livelihood:
Battered, beaten, and lost are the windy dreams,
A super-dark cloak with purple and white hems.
Death is a demon, not to be flirted with,
Life is a flower, not to be tinkered with.

On the edge to stand and watch,
Death admired the loneliest watch,
A note that reads no dreams to care,
A note that reads no love to share;
Death is a demon, not to be flirted with,
Life is a flower, not to be tinkered with.

The sadness, rustic look, and ambers in eyes,
So many failures than could met the eyes.
Which Glory? Death and coffin cry!
Still life’s so more than suicide sigh!

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