Suicide! Poetry on Suicide!

Suicide, suicide, poetry on suicide;

Let life not end in vain

When showers are acid rain;

This life is huge, let it be so,

Live life to full, let it be so:

A dream to chase

In life’s every phase!

Suicide - Poetry on Suicide

Why Poetry on Suicide?

Many people have suicidal tendencies and they bring harm to themselves. However, they should know that life is always precious, no matter what the phase is, and it ought to be preserved, if not for ourselves, then for those we love and adore.

The above short poetry on suicide is indeed telling us that life is big and we should strive to make it even bigger. Thus, the relevance of poetry on suicide becomes even more important than we realize. Those will suicidal thoughts should read this post to curb such instincts.

Read Also: Death in a Maze: A Touching Sad Poem

Woman I Loved!

Find below the sad poem Woman I Loved: Poetry on Suicide, which narrates the story of a lover whose beloved died untimely. He is grieved and he is in a lot of pain, and indeed, the pain is unbearable. He doesn’t understand why God would punish him without any fault, or that he loved was his solo fault. Either way, he is confused and the only way to find out more is by reading the sad poem.

Must Read: An Extraordinary Sad Poem Dedicated to the Earth – Part 1

Woman I Loved: Poetry on Suicide

A woman I loved –

As Beautiful as sunset,

As pristine like hidden beaches –

She died in her prime;

I was in prime too

And the love so young!

What wrong we did, O God,

And why to us, O Lord!

My fault was love,

But my love was pure,

Why to me?

Not sure, not sure!

Now, the sunset looks dull

And sunrise even worse;

Where to find peace,

No garden, no good words to console!

She is no more,

And see how peacefully she sleeps

In grave, and how unrestful I am!

There are thoughts within me

That cry ‘suicide,’ and I am not sure

Whether to live without you or join you.

The suicidal thoughts are at best

Seeing you at rest;

My heart aches and time’s stressful,

What should be done to make life meaningful:

Well, there seems no ways to go,

The dead sea, I too must row,

I should fall in love with death,

I should embrace death,

The designs of fate are cruel,

The love is cruel, you are cruel

To leave me alone, the time is cruel,

And my thoughts are too cruel

Towards life:

I must end my life!

Must Read: An Exclusive Sad Poem: Is It Really Progress?

We hope you enjoyed the poetry on suicide.

Do also check out other pieces of sad poetry at LifeXcites!