All to Lose and Find – Sad Love Poetry

What makes us sad and thus sad love poetry highly relevant? Isn’t that all echo of losing something or other in this world, and then, there falls showers of sadness. Consider the following instance of sad love poetry:

How’s pain useful, I wonder;

How souls suffer, I wonder;

For the world to be so much beautiful,

Necessitates both love and sad Bulbul!

Rightly! Some of you might have guessed it correctly: The intensity with which we love something or someone, especially the human form, is the same intensity we grieve for. And true it is too, the chances of faltering in such circumstances are high, but life must go on with sad love poetry and sad love songs – a time to cherish and behold with pain until last breath.


sad love poetry

Beloved, I Loved You So Much – I Crave for Sad Love Songs!

I loved you so much,

But you left me in mid-way;

My life is now such, 

Lonely, a lost needle in hay!



Hey, what to tell you,

What describes me now;

It’s full but still empty,

I cry for the lost vow!

I loved you so much,

But you left me in mid-way;

My life is now such, 

Lonely, lost needle in hay!



Some told me, to be patient;

Some advise me, to be strong;

Once upon a time, you and I,

Now put to suffer this long!

I loved you so much,

But you left me in mid-way;

My life is now such, 

Lonely, lost needle in hay!



I promise not to cry and cry,

A lost love to behold and try:

Not the end for me to choose,

These sorrows make me cry!

I loved you so much,

But you left me in mid-way;

My life is now such, 

Lonely, lost needle in hay!

The Story of a Man Who Lost: A Rare Glimpse

My life is akin a sad love poetry,

There is no respite to find,

Blisses everywhere, good news every time;

However, sadness echoes in my life.

She bore my child,

The best surprise of my life,

My life became expendable the moment I got briefed,

A new life, a beautiful princess or a prince, or perhaps both,

Now I would be called daddy or…papa, my mirth to behold

Dearly, nurture it, water it, and row it!

The days passed and the months passed,

I was holding her hand while to birth,

She had lost precious breaths and blood.

Then, doctor told me: It’s her or the baby;

I stood on ground breathless, numb, and motionless,

‘Can’t it be both.’ ‘I fear,’ the doctor replied,

Only to be heard by my dear wife,

She pressed my hand,

‘The baby…will…remind you of…um…me…I…,’

And lo, angels stopped her heart,

The nurse passed on the baby and a cry

Bestowed me love,

Motivation to remember her throughout my life,

And pray for her good heaven!