Babies of War: Influential Sad Poetry – I

The very mention of the word ‘war’ paints a horrible sad poetry saga, where all aspects of life are affected and crushed to ground zero. Everyone is so badly impacted before, during, and post war that even the pictures of such a disaster bring tears to eyes and sadness to hearts.

Below is a short piece of sad poetry on war that will be enough to imprint the horrific toll on the minds of readers.

A War to Bang, Sad Poetry Sank

A War to Bang Sad Poetry Sank

A war to bang,

The heart dearly sank,

O my sad poetry,

Only you can save the world.

The dreams shattered,

Lives are battered,

O my sad poetry,

Only you can save the world!

As aforementioned earlier, a war has a fearful face for all; however, it is the babies who suffer the most. Can you imagine and still stay in peace post imagination of how such tiny souls and hearts suffer during a war. This post and many parts to come try to capture their affected lives through sad poetry.

A War to Shatter Tiny Dreams and Quests for Smiles: Sad Poetry at Best

A war indeed shatters tiny dreams and their miniature quests for smiles. The whole picture is captured through the following 3 best and unique pieces of sad poetry.

Let’s also take a pledge to draw a beautiful world full of colors instead of suffocating gas, blazing fire, broken buildings, and deaths.

A tiny finger to behold, all they need is sleep and smiles to fold!

Don’t Take Away My Tiny Smiles – Sad Poetry

Don’t take away my tiny smiles,

They are precious tiny smiles,

I’m happy with my milk bottle

Or mother’s breast to pull!

A Dream to Smile or Cry – Sad Poetry

I have a dream to smile

Or cry when hungry;

Don’t snatch that mile,

No cage for I’m free!

I’m a Free Soul to Live, Give my Space to Live – Sad Poetry at Best

When I feel the hunger,

I cry;

When I hear the bang,

I cry!

Don’t try,

Don’t try,

I’m a free soul to live,

Give my space to live:

Let me feel,

Let me feel,

My father’s rough fingers,

My mother’s soft fingers!

Watch out this space as unique influential sad poetry on Babies of War will continue. Be ready to get haunted by their tiny smiles and dreamy eyes.

If you love ’em…